"Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank
where they have no account."- Oscar Wilde
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Time to start again
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cricket: Can it provide the Healing Touch?
मैं कुर्सी पे बैठके खबरे दिए जा रही थी,
क्यों ना कुछ और कर पा रही थी...?
(I was sitting on a Chair and giving news, why was I not doing anything else?)
Nidhi Kulpati, NDTV's Anchor, once said these lines in a programme. And these were my exact feelings during all the mayhem that happened in Mumbai.
I work for Sports Department of a Mumbai based Marathi News Channel. Normally, I talk of overs bowled, shots played, points and goals scored, records being taken over. But for those three- four days, and a few days after that, I was speaking of grenades, guns, gunmen and guards.
Every person in our channel was working on only one news and its different angles- the terror attack on Mumbai. I was not an exception. In fact, War, Defense and International Relations are the subjects of my interest since school days ( of course, along with Sports- which is a war in a different sense).So I was constantly following all the updates coming from battle ground and from arround the world. I was working for our website and we all in the office and on ground worked for hours during that period.
And, in those times, for the first time in my professional career, I felt how unimportant things like Sports can be at such times. But then, my conscious reminded me, of wonders Sports can do at such times.
Yes, I believe Sports have the ability to do wonders to our world. It brings people together and reduce the tension on person to person level. More than all, a sport teaches us to learn from the defeat and move on in our life.
That is the reason why the world was anxiously waiting for England's Cricket Team's decision. Finally, they made it—for whatever reasons—and Test Series is starting from tomorrow.
Their decision to continue with the tour is seen by many as a decision taken to keep the financial interests. May be economy was a factor, but surely, it's a brave step. And I hope Indian team too, takes a brave step and go and play in Pakistan—at least on a short trip.
Cricket was never so important like it has become now. True that you can not fight a real world problem on a cricket pitch. To do that, affirmative actions are reqired from the authorities. But Cricket do give you the patience and hope and it takes care that the intensity and impact of worldly problems will be reduced.
How ironical! People had got horrified to see the onslaught on Mumbai, But they'll get positively inspired to see the onslaught on Cricket field.
I always believed, When the work of Armed Forces finishes, work of Sportsmen, Musicians and people alike begins. And the time has come for Cricket to prove it's worth again, and time has come for us to tell why this game is so worthy.
Whatever may happen, We shall keep doing the task in our hand. Nothing shall stop us.
Anxiously waiting for the match to begin...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What Else Can You Say?
1993 नंतर भारतात झालेले मोठे दहशतवादी हल्ले
1. 12 मार्च 1993, मुंबई
दुपारी १.३० ते ३.४० या कालात मुंबईत 12 ठिकाणी 13 बॉम्बस्फोट. बॉम्बस्फोटांच्या या मालिकेत 257 जणांनी जीव गमावला तर 700 जण जखमी झाले. या हल्ल्यांमागे अंडरवर्ल्ड डॉन दाऊद इब्राहीम चा हात होता.
कोईंबतूरमध्ये ११ ठिकाणी झालेल्या १३ बॉम्बस्फोटांत ४६ मृत्यृमुखी आणि २०० जखमी
जम्मू आणि काश्मीर विधानसभा परिसरात सशस्त्र अतिरेक्यांचा हल्ला. ३५ जण मृत्युमुखी. हल्ल्यामागे इस्लामिक दहशतवादी संघटना जैश-ए-मोहम्मदचा हात.
भारतीय लोकशाहीचं प्रतिक असलेल्या संसदभवनावर सशस्त्र अतिरेक्यांचा हल्ला. 12 जण मृत्युमुखी तर १८ जण जखमी. जगभरातून हल्ल्याचा मोठ्या प्रमाणावर निषेध. हल्ल्यामागे पाकिस्तानी दहशतवादी संघटनांचा हात असल्याचं स्पष्ट झालं, दोन्ही देशांमधील संबंधांत तणाव वाढला.
अक्षरधाम मंदिरावरील हल्ल्यात 31 जणांचा मृत्यू तर 79 जण जखमी.
जम्मूजवळ सैन्यदलाच्या तळावर सशस्त्र अतिरेक्यांचा हल्ला, 30हून अधिक जणांचा मृत्यू.
7. डिसेंबर 2002 ते मे 2003, मुंबई
या आठ महिन्यांच्या काळात मुंबई चार वेळा बॉम्बस्फोटांनी हादरली. मुंबईला हादरवणा-या या स्फोटांमागे स्टुडंट्स इस्लामिक मुव्हमेंट ऑफ इंडिया अर्थात सिमीचा हात असल्याचा आरोप.
2 डिसेंबर 2002 - घाटकोपर रेल्वे स्टेशनबाहेर बेस्ट बसमध्ये झालेल्या बॉम्बस्फोटात दोन जणांचा मृत्यू झाला तर 31 जण जखमी.
6 डिसेंबर 2002 - मुंबई सेंट्रल रेल्वे स्थानकावर मॅकडोनाल्ड्सच्या रेस्टॉरंटमध्ये बॉम्बस्फोट. 25जणांना जखमी करणारा हा बॉम्ब रेस्ट़ॉरंटच्या एऱकंडिशनिंग सिस्टिममध्ये ठेवण्यात आला होता.
27 जानेवारी 2003 - विलेपार्ले स्टेशनबाहेर संध्याकाळी गर्दीच्या वेळी सायकल बॉम्बचा स्फोट, एका महिलेचा मृत्यू तर 30जण जखमी.
13 मार्च 2003 - मुलुंड रेल्वेस्थानकात कर्जत लोकलमध्ये बॉम्बस्फोट. संध्याकाळी साडेआठच्या सुमारास अत्यंत गर्दीच्या वेळी झालेल्या या स्फोटानं ११ प्रवाशांनी आपला जीव गमावला. मुंबईची जीवनवाहिनी असणा-या लोकल ट्रेनला पहिल्यांदाच लक्ष्य करण्यात आलं.
8. २५ ऑगस्ट 2003, मुंबई
दुपारच्या वेळी गेट वे ऑफ इंडिया आणि झवेरी बाजार इथं टॅक्सीत बॉम्बस्फोट. किमान 52 जण मृत्युमुखी तर 150 जण जखमी. पहिला बॉम्बस्फोट गेट वे ऑफ इंडिया समोरील ताज महाल हॉटेलच्या बाहेर पार्क केलेल्या टॅक्सीत झाला. तर दुसरा बॉम्बस्फोट झवेरी बाजारात मुंबादेवी मंदिर परिसरात झाला.
9. 15 ऑगस्ट 2004, आसाम
स्वातंत्र्यदिनाच्या दिवशी धेमाजी इथं झालेल्या बॉम्बस्फोटांमध्ये 16 जम मृत्युमुखी. जखमी आणि मरण पावलेल्यांमध्ये लहान मुलांचा मोठा समावेश.
10. 5 जुलै 2005, अयोध्या
रामजन्मभूमी परिसरात सशस्त्र अतिरेक्यांचा हल्ला.
11. 29 ऑक्टोबर 2005, दिल्ली
दक्षिण दिल्लीमध्ये बाजार परिसरात तीन बॉम्बस्फोट. दिवाळीच्या दिवशी झालेल्या या बॉम्बस्फोटांमध्ये 59 जण मृत्युमुखी तर 200 जखमी. पाकिस्तानस्थित इस्लामिक इन्कलाब माहेझ या अतिरेकी संघटनेनं हल्ल्यांची जबाबदारी स्वीकारली.
12. 7 मार्च 2006
उत्तर प्रदेशातील वाराणसी या तीर्थक्षेत्री बॉम्बस्फोट, 28 मृत्युमुखी तर 101 जखमी. हल्ल्यामागे पाकिस्तानशी निगडीत दहशतवादी संघटनांचा हात असल्याचा भारतीय पोलिसांचा दावा.
13. 11 जुलै 2006, मुंबई
पश्चिम रेल्वेच्या लोकल ट्रेन्समध्ये सात बॉम्बस्फोट. संध्याकाळी गर्दीच्या वेळी झालेल्या या स्फोटांमध्ये 200 जणांनी आपला जीव गमावला. हाही हल्ला म्हणजे पाकिस्तानस्थित दहशतवादी संघटनांचं कारस्थान असल्याचं तपासात उघड.
14. 8 सप्टेंबर 2006, मालेगाव
मालेगावमध्ये मस्जिद परिसरात बॉम्बस्फोटांची मालिका. 37 मृत्युमुखी तर 125 जखमी. जखमींमध्ये अनेक मुस्लिम यात्रेकरूंचा समावेश.
15. 18 मे 2007, हैदराबाद
मक्का मस्जिद इथं शुक्रवारच्या नमाजच्या वेळी बॉम्बस्फोट. १३ जण मृत्युमुखी. बॉम्बस्फोटांनंतर झालेल्या दंगलींमध्ये पोलिसांच्या कारवाईत 4 जणांचा मृत्यू.
16. 26 मे 2007, आसाम
गुवाहाटीमध्ये झालेल्या बॉम्बस्फोटात सहा जणांचा मृत्यू तर 30 जण जखमी.
17. 10 जून 2007, मणिपूर
म्यानमारच्या सीमेजवळील मोरेह इथं सशस्त्र अतिरेक्यांचा गोळीबार, ११ जण मृत्युमुखी.
18. 25 ऑगस्ट 2007, हैदराबाद
लुंबिनी पार्क आणि गोकुळ चाट भवन इथं बॉम्बस्फोट, 42 जणांचा मृत्यू तर 50 जण जखमी. या दोन्ही बॉम्बस्फोटांमागे हरकत-उल-जिहाद-इ-इस्लामी अर्थात हुजीचा हात होता.
19. 23 नोव्हेंबर 2007
उत्तर प्रदेशात सहा बॉम्बस्फोटांची मालिका. वाराणसी, फैजाबाद आणि लखनौ या तीन शहरांना लक्ष्य बनवण्यात आलं. वाराणसीत तीन ठिकाणी, फैजाबादमध्ये दोन तर लखनौमध्ये एक बॉ़म्बस्फोट, 13 जणांनी जीव गमावला तर 60 जण
20. 13 मे 2008, जयपूर
परदेशी पर्यटकांचं आकर्षण असलेल्या या शहरात सहा बॉम्बस्फोट झाले. या बॉम्बस्फोटांच्या मालिकेत 63 जणांचा मृत्यू आणि 150हून अधिक जण जखमी.
21. 25 जुलै 2008, बंगळूर
भारतीय आयटी उद्योगाचं मोठं केंद्र असलेलं बंगळूर एरवी शांत शहर म्हणून प्रसिद्ध आहे. पण चार महिन्यांपूर्वी इथं झालेल्या सात बॉम्बस्फोटांच्या मालिकेनंतर भारतात कोणतही शहर सुरक्षित नसल्याचंच दिसून आलं. या बॉम्बस्फोटांमध्ये एकाचा मृत्यू झाला तर 150 हून अधिक जण जखमी झाले.
22. 26 जुलै 2008, अहमदाबाद
बंगळूरनंतर अवघ्या एका दिवसात आणखी एक भारतीय शहर दहशतवाद्यांच्या हल्ल्याची शिकार बनलं. या हल्ल्यात 45 जण जखमी झाले तर 150हून अधिक जण जखमी झाले. इंडियन मुजाहिद्दीन या अतिरेकी संघटनेनं अहमदाबादमधील या हल्ल्याची जबाबदारी स्वीकारली.
23. 13 सप्टेंबर 2008, नवी दिल्ली
बाजार परिसरात पाच ठिकाणी झालेल्या बॉम्बस्फोटांमध्ये 21 जणांचा मृत्यू झाला तर 100 जण जखमी झाले. इंडियन मुजाहिदीन संघटनेनं याही हल्ल्याची जबाबदारी स्वीकारली.
बाजार परिसरात झालेल्या बॉम्बस्फोटात एकाचा मृत्यू.
भाऊबीजेच्या दिवशी पश्चिम आसाममध्ये गुवाहाटी आणि आसपासच्या परिसरात 13 बॉम्बस्फोट. 61 जणांचा मृत्यू तर 300 जण जखमी.
26. 26 नोव्हेंबर 2008, मुंबई
देशाची आर्थिक राजधानी पुन्हा एकदा अतिरेक्यांच्या हिटलिस्टवर. एके 47 रायफल्स आणि ग्रेनेड्सनं सज्ज सशस्त्र अतिरेक्यांचा मुंबईवर हल्ला. दक्षिण मुंबईत विविध ठिकाणी अंदाधुंद गोळीबार, ताज महाल आणि ओबेरॉय (ट्राय़डेन्ट) या फाईव्ह स्टार हॉटेल्समध्ये अतिरेक्यांनी परदेशी नागरिकांना ओलीस धरलं.
A Few months back, my Canadian Friend Emil had said this of Mumbai. I had never thought that it will come true in such a manner … Mumbai is “Total Chaos” since last evening, and there is no sign of 'liveliness’ around…
I went to CST station in the morning, and noticed that life is getting back on track, but tracks are changed, ofcourse…
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
War on the Streets Mumbai
I’m afraid, that this is not going to end soon. I feel it’s not an attack, it’s a War. And it has reached to our doorsteps.
It’s not a serial bomb blast and it’s aftermath. This is a war on streets. Something that ‘normally’ happens in Baghdad or Kabul or Jerusalem or Shrinagar, Something that we ‘often’ witnessed on television, has suddenly become a surreal actuality.
I can’t take my eyes off the television. I’m searching through websites. I tried to call my colleagues who’re in the field. But then I don’t know what I’m going to speak.
The terrible thing is that I’m totally blank, just living in real time- keeping an eye on what is happening and trying to recollect, trying to process this information.
Only one thing that I know is that I’m going to have a sleepless night.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
innocence on street
This is what is meant by childhood... but sadly I got to see it in a wrong place.
On Mulund station, where all people are running to get on with the world these children had quietly living in their own world.. the world of their dreams, which is beyond our comprehension.
And all who were not asleep, seem to ignore that these chledren even exist.. Who cares for a bunch of flesh and cloths on the side of a road?
And, it's Children's Day tomorrow...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
An Old Dream and New Challanges
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."- Barack Obama in his victory address.
Yes, This might be THE answer... To all the questions that time has put in front of mankind. At least we can hope it to be so. Because, the world's only Superpower has got a new leader. Because, as expected, Obama is the New President Elect of The United States of America.
This is one of those rarest of the rare moments when not just a Nation, but whole of the world stretches its arms to welcome the future, when everyone is filled with immense hope, when everyone is reminded of the responsibilities that lie ahead... This is one of those moments when a person's victory stands for the victory of a community, for the victory of a Nation and for the victory of the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood.
Today, USA- a country marred by history of violence over the colour of skin, a community with deep socio-religious differences, has chosen a new leader- someone who perhaps best signifies what the spirit of their nation stands for. The World's most powerful nation has now elected a President who comes from a biracial background, was raised by a single mother, grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. Obama has won his first battle without great family connections, without a trust fund. He started out with intellect, talent and ambition and to fulfill that ambition, he built up a great coalition. He made a clever use of the power of new media, i.e. Internet to reachout to people and gather their support. A lot of young Americans left their apathy for politics and joined him on the campaign trail. And today they are all celebrating. They are all singing for a new dawn.
And this can happen only in America- a place where in a way of speaking, most of the people are outsiders. Most of the people of America have their roots in the early residents who immigrated in search of a better life or were imported as slaves. Over the Years, The USA has been a symbol of liberation. The land has been a beacon of hope and dream. Its founders hold a dream and today, that dream has taken a step forward towards reality.
The world has just witnessed a great history in the making. America has shown that they are ready for THE change. No, I shall say, THE Change has begun.
And Obama's speech, can be a signal of this change. The thing I liked about it is that he didn't described it as a victory of the suppressed race or those who fought for Civil Rights, but as a Victory of the People of America. He thanked those who voted for him and showed respect to those who didn't. and by that tone of his, he has surely won the hearts of many of his enemies as well.
For Obama, the race to the White House has ended but a long journey will officially start on the 20th January next year, when he'll be sworn in as The 44th President of The USA. And then, he has got a legacy of problems. Obama has to deal with " two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century " as he describes himself.
Whatever... I liked this CHANGE.
In his first address as the new leader of the United States, Obama has shown a great promise. Whether he keeps up to it, time will show.
But for now, Obama's speech for me is the accomplishment of An Old Dream and an insight of the New Challenges that lie ahead.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Stage set for The Big American Drama - This time in Search of A Dream
But really, Obama or Mc cain - how far does it matter? Or does it really matters? To some extent, yes. But in a greater context, not much. Because, as any Foreign Policy Expert would tell you, in today’s world, policies are more or less constant and personalities can influence them but they cannot turn the upside down.
Still, for next several hours (and may be for next several days or even for months, if another scandal leaps up) the whole world will be desperate to know who steps into the White House.
Because, The Man (yes, the MAN, not WOMAN as I had dreamt a year ago) will have the power to write the destinies of thousands of people around the world, whether or not he uses it for better, is a different issue. Whoever wins this battle, will have the power to change the World, the power that he can use to create a better world or to take us all down.
As a citizen of the World’s largest Democracy, I’m excited to know who leads the eldest Democracy of Modern World. I’m excited to know what plans he has for his country that has an upshot on the world economy, which is virtually in a crisis. So I want to know if Obama or Mc Cain have a plan and a will to act on that plan to improve the condition of US Markets and thereby perk up the Economy of the world.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
समस्यांच्या विळख्यात क्रिकेट
त्याआधी बँगलोर टेस्टमध्येही चित्र काही फारसं वेगळं नव्हतं..
गेला काही काळ क्रिकेट सामन्यांदरम्यान स्टेडियममध्ये प्रेक्षकांपेक्षा रिकाम्या खुर्च्यच जास्त दिसताहेत. आणि याच गोष्टीमुळं इंटरनॅशनल क्रिकेट कौंसिलही चिंतेत पडलंय. आयसीसी सीइओ हरून लॉर्गट यांनी मोहली भेटीदरम्यान आपली ही चिंता बोलूनही दाखवली होती.
भारतासारख्या क्रिकेटवेड्या देशात ऑस्ट्रेलियासारख्या तगड्या प्रतिस्पर्ध्यांशी सामना होत असताना स्टेडियममध्ये प्रेक्षकांच्या उपस्थितीत घट झालीय. लोक स्टेडियममध्ये जाण्यापेक्षा टेलिव्हिजनवर सामने बघणं पसंत करतायत. आजकाल तर मॅचदरम्यान टीव्ही ऑन केला जातो, तोही केवळ स्कोअर पाहण्यापुरताच. त्यामुळं फक्त टेस्टचंच नाही क्रिकेटच्या खेळाचंच भवितव्य धोक्यात येऊ शकतं..
हा सगळा ट्वेन्टी 20चा परिणाम असं कुणीही सहज म्हणेल. पण क्रिकेटपुढच्या या समस्येची कारणं तेवढ्यापुरतीच मर्यादीत नाहीत. बदलत्या काळाइतकीच आयसीसीची चुकलेली धोरणं आणि न घेतले गेलेले निर्णयही क्रिकेटच्या या परिस्थितीला जबाबदार आहेत.
खरंतर एलिटिस्टस् स्पोर्ट, जंटलमेन्स गेम अशी क्रिकेटची ओळख. पण आज हा खेळ आपल्या या मुखवट्याच्याच कोषात अडकून पडल्यासारखा वाटतोय. आजही केवळ दहा देशांनाच टेस्ट क्रिकेटचा दर्जा मिळवता आलाय. त्यातही केवळ निम्मे संघ सध्या सुस्थितीत आहेत.
क्रिकेटची जन्मभूमी असलेल्या इंग्लंडमध्ये क्रिकेटला जिवंत ठेवण्यासाठी ट्वेन्टी 20चं इंजेक्शन द्यावं लागलं. पण त्यानंतरचं चित्रही फारसं आशादायी नाही. क्रिकेटला इथं स्पर्धा करावी लागतेय फूटबॉलसारख्या लोकप्रिय आणि well organized खेळाची.
एकेकाळी क्रिकेटवर राज्य करणा-या वेस्ट इंडिजचं साम्राज्य केव्हाच कोसळलंय. मैदानात भल्याभल्यांना धडकी भरवणारे वेस्ट इंडिजचे स्टार्स अस्ताला गेले आणि कॅरिबियन क्रिकेटची भट्टी पुन्हा जमलीच नाही. ब्रायन लाराच्या निवृत्तीनंतर तर वेस्ट इंडिजकडे एकही ताकदवान गडी उरलेला नाहीय. एक स्टॅनफर्ड लीगचा अपवाद सोडला तर कॅरिबियन क्रिकेटला संजीवनी देण्याचे प्रयत्न फारसे होताना दिसत नाहीत. अर्थात ही लीगही खेळापेक्षा पैशाला समोर ठेवून आखल्यासारखी वाटते.
क्रिकेटवर सध्या वर्चस्व गाजवणा-या ऑस्ट्रेलियालाही उतरती कळा लागलीय. कांगारूंचा आधार असलेले अनेक मोहरे आता निवृत्तीच्या मार्गावर आहेत. आणि ह्या टीमचा प्रवासही वेस्ट इंडिजच्या वाटेनं होण्याची भीती क्रिकेटवर्तुळात व्यक्त केली जातेय.
श्रीलंका आणि भारतीय क्रिकेटपुढेही हीच समस्या उभी आहे.
तर दुसरीकडे टेस्टचा दर्जा मिळून आठ वर्ष झाली तरी बांगलादेश क्रिकेट जगतात रांगायलाही शिकलेला नाहीय.
राजकीय संघर्ष आणि दहशतवादानंही क्रिकेटपुढची आव्हानं आणखी वाढवली आहेत. दक्षिण आफ्रिकेनं वर्णभेदावर मात करून ऑस्ट्रेलियाला टक्कर देण्याची हिम्मत तर दाखवली, पण तिथलं क्रिकेटही आता कोटा सिस्टिमचे चटके सहन करतंय. झिम्बाब्वे क्रिकेटची तिथल्या राजकीय अस्थिरता आणि हुकुमशाही राजवटीमुळं साफ वाताहात लागलीय. झिम्बाब्वेनं २००५नंतर एकही टेस्ट सामना खेळलेला नाही. तर पाकिस्तानलाही 2008मध्ये एकही टेस्ट सामना खेळता आलेला नाही. सुरक्षिततेचं कारण पुढे करत अनेक देशांनी पाकिस्तानकडे पाठ फिरवलीय.
न्यूझीलंडसारख्या देशांतील क्रिकेट बोर्डांना आर्थिक समस्याही भेडसावतायत. आणि म्हणूनच तिथल्या खेळाडूंनी आंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेटपेक्षा इंडियन क्रिकेट लीगसारख्या स्पर्धांना जवळ केलंय. क्रिकेटपुढच्या समस्यांचा हाही एक वेगळा पैलूय.
आयसीएल आणि बीसीसीआयमधल्या युद्धाचाही क्रिकेटला मोठा फटका बसलाय. भारतातील अनेक युवा खेळाडूंनी आयसीएलची वाट धरलीय. या सगळ्या खेळाडूंना बीसीसीआयनं दूर केल्यानं देशांतर्गत क्रिकेट मात्र आणखी दुबळं होऊ शकतं.
आयसीसीच्या अनेक सहसंलग्न देशांमध्ये तर देशांतर्गत क्रिकेटची अवस्था आधीच चिंताजनक आहे. तर २००३च्या विश्वचषकात सेमीफायनल गाठण्याचा पराक्रम करणा-या केनियात क्लब क्रिकेटचाही विकास होऊ शकला नाहीय.
चांगल्या खेळाडूंच्या अभावामुळं मजबूत टीम्स निर्माण होऊ शकलेल्या नाहीत आणि क्रिकेटमधली स्पर्धाही मर्यादीत राहिलीय. ही परिस्थिती जैसे थे राहिली तर प्रेक्षकांचा या खेळातला रस आणखी कमी होऊ शकतो, जे क्रिकेटला परवडणारं नाही.
क्रिकेटला या संकटातून वाचवणं कठीणही नाही. पण त्यासाठी काही ठोस पावलं उचलावी लागतील.
१. तिकिटांच्या किमतीत घट केल्यास सर्वसामान्य क्रिकेट चाहत्यांनाही स्टेडियममध्ये सामन्याचा आनंद लुटता येईल.
२. स्टेडियम्समध्ये प्रेक्षकांच्या सोयी सुविधांची काळजी घेणंही तितकंच आवश्यक आहे.
३. क्रिकेट सामन्यांचं वेळापत्रक आखताना आणखी विचार होणं गरजेचंय. एरवी सारखंच भारत आणि ऑस्ट्रेलियामधले सामने पाहणं कोणाला आवडेल ?
४. हे वेळापत्रक आखताना टेस्ट, वन डे आणि ट्वेन्टी २० सामन्यांमध्ये समतोल साधणंही आवश्यक
४. अधूनमधून हॉलंड, कॅनडा, यांसारख्या सहसदस्य देशांमध्ये मोठ्या संघांचे सामने खेळवल्यास क्रिकेटच्या प्रसारात मदत होईल.
५. पण केवळ सामने भरवून चालणार नाही, तर इतर देशांतील खेळाडू घडवण्यासाठी ठोस पावलं उचलणं आवश्यक.
- जान्हवी मुळे
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Dada Retires..
'NANO' chali Gujrathma?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Are Philosophies going dead?
Gandhi's b'day to be world's non-violence day
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
For sourav, Battle is still on..
Every single time when he was thrown out of the team, he went back to the ground; practiced hard; played in tournaments that not many people have heard of; got his basics clean and forced the selectors to think again. Every single time when the selectors gave him a chance- which many foresaw as his last- Sourav made full use of the opportunity.
That is Sourav- the ever-hopeful cricketer who rises to the challenge and inscribes a fairytale comeback. Then, just when people start forgetting his feat, he yet again comes up with yet another fable of hard work and success.

So, once again, he’s getting ready to face his bitter enemies- the Kangaroos- with whom he shares a flair of deep rivalary- as an ex-caption, as well as a Batsman. His only hundred in Test Cricket, came against the Australians in 2003-04. And he definitely wants to add at least one more before he retires. Oh well, the talk of his retirement, or a probable VRS is in air, but Dada doesn’t seem to care. He has his plans set up.
So, once again, all eyes will be on him- whether he does well or whether he fails to keep the promise we’ll soon come to know. However, one thing is sure. This time, it won’t be easy for him. (Well, it never is when you are Sourav Ganguly)
This time, the competition in the team is really too much. There is the young blood all ready to fire.
That is why, this is all getting so interesting, coz, this time when Ganguly takes on the Aussies, he will be facing two challenges. One form the Lee and Company and another, from within his team.
And it is a possibility, that one-time King of Indian Cricket will never get another chance of come back…
Friday, September 26, 2008
All Set to Race in the Dark
Not much time is left for the first practice session of the Singapore Grand Prix. Well, there is still a lot of time left for the actual race, but all F1 fans and alike are equally eager to watch today's practice session. Because, they all expect a new drama on the Marina Bay Street Circuit. The Singapore GP is going to creat a History as the first Night Race in the History of Formula One.
Singapore, the Economic Hub of East is all set to ride on Speed..
Who'll bge the master? Mc-Laren? Ferrari?? or Somebody else???
Who'll win the battle in Darkness of night, under floodlights?
But wait, racing in the darl is not the only attraction of this race. It's for the first time in Asia that a Formula GP is set on a Street Circuit. The challanges are not few. The Marina Bay Street Circuit is known for it's bumpy rides and along with Floodlights, Humidity will test the drivers.
Surelly, this is going to be a new test for Drivers, Teams, organizers as well as fans from around the world.
The race holds a promise for all- a promise that the Game will survive in spite of rising fuel prices, increased cost of organizing races and the fears of a global economic downfall.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Lt. Col. Kapil Dev, We Salute You!

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Withered reality of neighbourhood
A quiet Saturday Evening of Ramadan… Islamabad’s Hotel Marriot was getting ready for an Iftar party… a truck full of explosives crashed through the gates and once again fear echoed through the streets of Pakistan’s Capital…
Fear that has been a part of their thoughts, fear that has occupied the air, once again came alive. few days back, it was in Delhi, tonight it was in Islamabad..
Seems like violence has become a routine in the subcontinent. And now Pakistan is also facing the brunt of it. In recent times, the Terror attacks on Pakistan have gone up. I just found out a list of some of the major ones since January 2008.
January 10: Twenty people, mostly policemen, killed in suicide bomb attack outside Lahore High Court.
January 14: Bomb kills 10 people at a market in Karachi.
February 9: Suicide bomber kills 25 people at an opposition election rally in the northwestern town of Charsadda.
February 11 : Nine killed in suicide bombing at an election meeting of an independent candidate in North Waziristan.
February 16 : Suicide car bomber strikes a rally of Pakistan People's Party in the northwestern town of Parachinar, killing 37.
February 22: Roadside bomb hits wedding party in Swat, killing at least 14.
February 25: Suicide bomber kills army surgeon Lieutenant General Mushtaq Baig and seven others in Rawalpindi.
February 29 : Forty-four killed in a suicide blast in Mingora in northwest Swat valley during the funeral of three policemen killed by a roadside bomb earlier in the day.
March 2: Suicide bomber kills 43 at tribal elders convention in the northwestern district of Darra Adam Khel.
March 4: Two suicide bombers attack Pakistan Naval War College in Lahore, killing five people.
March 10 : Suicide truck bombings target Federal Investigation Agency building in Lahore; 26 killed.
March 15: Bomb blast at a restaurant in Islamabad kills a woman and wounds 10 others, including four FBI men.
July 2: Suicide car bomb outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad kills eight.
July 6: Fifteen killed in suicide attack on policemen during a rally to mark the anniversary of Lal Masjid raid.
August 12: Roadside bomb attack targets Pakistan Air Force bus in Peshawar, killing 13.
August 19 : Twenty-three killed in suicide attack on a hospital in northwestern Dera Ismail Khan town.
August 21: At least 78 killed in twin suicide attacks outside Pakistan's main ordnance factory in Wah.
August 28: Nine persons, mostly policemen, killed in roadside bombing in North West Frontier Province.
September 6: Thirty people were killed and 70 injured in suicide bombing near a police check post in Peshawar.
This list is enough to show the trouble people are facing in Pakistan. It doesn't matter where terrorism originated. What matters is innocence is being killed, let it be in Delhi or in Islamabad and we need to stop this.
... All this on The International Peace Day...
International Day of Peace

The resolution: "Declares that the International Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day...“Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire.”
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Zardari Asends to Presidency
Zardari was challenged by Justice (Retired) Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui, (a former judge nominated by Nawaz Sharif's PML-N) and Mushahid Hussain Sayed (nominated by the PML-Q, which backed Musharraf.) .
The margins of his victory give a way to hope. The Chief election commissioner of Pakistan, Qazi Mohammad Farooq announced, "Asif Ali Zardari secured 281 votes out of the 426 valid votes polled in the parliament" which is a 'fair' victory. Overall, Zardari won 481 votes, far more than the 352 votes that would have guaranteed him victory.
( A brief look into Election Process:
According to the Constitution of 1973
presently in vogue (but declared for major amendments by Zardari) the President of Pakistan, who must be a Muslim and a male, is elected by an electoral college composed of members of the two houses of parliament - the 342 seat lower house National Assembly and the 100 member upper house Senate, as well as members of the four provincial assemblies - Sindh, Punjab, North West Frontier Province and Balochistan.The assemblies have total of 1170 seats, but the number of electoral college votes is 702 since provincial assembly votes are counted on a proportional basis. The new president, who obtains the largest number of votes, would serve for five years as Pakistan's President. )
Let's see how Zardari has won it in the Provinces:
Zardari won a clear majority in three of the four provinces.
In Sindh, the home province of Zardari, he won 62 out of total 65 votes while his opponents could not even make a mark.
In North West Frontier Province , out of total 62 votes, Zardari got 56.
In Balochistan, out of 63 , he got 59
However, in Punjab, the nation's biggest province, Zardar could not get a majority, which is quite obvious.
In Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan has got a new President. But what novelty he can bring to this troubled country is still a question.
NSG Clearance for the N-Deal
Finally, another step taken. After a lot of speculations, and excitement, THE NEWS- Nuclear Security Group has given its clearance to the Indo-US Nuclear Deal. I don't know what my immediate reaction is. But I'm feeling this is all going in a right direction. This deal is a need of time. But one shall not forget that there are a lot of other things are yet to be done, in many aspects of life, if we really wish for a better world.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
बॅटल ऑफ विल्यम्समध्ये सेरेनाची सरशी
बॅटल ऑफ विल्यम्समध्ये अखेर धाकटी बहीण सेरेनानं बाजी मारली. आणि विम्बल्डन फायनलमधल्या पराभवाचा वचपा काढला. पण व्हीनसनं सेरेनाला हा सामना जिंकण्यासाठी बराच घाम गाळायला लावला.
खरंतर या सामन्यात दोन्ही सेट्समध्ये सुरूवातीला व्हीनसनंच आघाडी घेतली होती. पण हार मानेल तर ती सेरेना कसली? पहिल्या सेटमध्ये १ - ३ अशा पिछाडीनरून मुसंडी मारताना सेरेनानं आपली जिद्द दाखवून दिली. टायब्रेकरमध्ये गेलेला पहिला सेट सेरेनानं ८-६ असा जिंकला.
एकीकडे शांत व्हीनस आणि दुसरीकडे आक्रमक सेरेना यांच्यातली ही लढाई दुस-या सेटमध्ये आणखीनच चुरशीची ठरली. व्हीनसचा प्रत्येक फटका सेरनानं तितक्याच ताकदीनं परतवून लावला. चाहतेही एकाच वेळी “Come on Williams” म्हणून दोघींनाही चीअर करत होते. टायब्रेकरमध्ये पुन्हा एकदा व्हीनसनं आघाडी मिळवली पण ती कायम राखण्यात मात्र तिला अपयश आलं. सेरेनानं हाही सेट आणि सामना 7-6, 7-6 असा आपल्या नावे केला.
पण व्हीनसला जणू सामन्याची उत्सुकता थोडी आणखी ताणायची होती. म्हणूनच तिनं पंचांच्या निर्णयाला आव्हान दिलं. अखेर कौल सेरेनाच्या बाजूनं लागला आणि दोन्ही बहीणींनी सुटकेचा निश्वास टाकला. कारण क्वार्टर फायनलची ही लढत म्हणजे दोघी बहीणींमध्ये आजवर झालेल्या लढतींमधली सर्वात टफ फाईट होती. (खरंच, असं एकमेकींचा सामना करताना कसं वाटत असेल दोघींना? एक मात्र खरं, मलाही त्यांच्यासारखी बहिण असणं आवडलं असतं.) अवघ्या दोनच महिन्यांपूर्वी विम्बल्डनच्या फायनलमध्ये दोघींची गाठ पडली होती. त्यानंतर अमेरिकन ओपनमध्ये घरच्याच मैदानात एकमेकींचा सामना करणं व्हीनस आणि सेरेनासाठी सर्वात मोठं आव्हान होतं. पण सामना संपला आणि मैदानावरच्या या दोन प्रतिस्पर्धी पुन्हा एकमेकींच्या मैत्रिणी झाल्यायत- अर्थात पुन्हा एकमेकींसमोर उभ्या राहीपर्यंतच..
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Race For Number One...

Yet again, Ana Ivanovic saw a premature end to her Quest for victory. For the Serbian beauty, it seems like 2008 is the year of mixed emotions. Ana reached the Finals of Australian open at the start of this season, and lost to Maria Sharapova. She peaked her game during the clay season and with Justin Henin's shocking retirement, there was surely nobody else to stop her. As expecterd, Ana went on to win the French Open- a title that had so far became synonymous with Henin. Not just that, Ana also got the Top position in women's tennis.
But suddenly, the tides turned. Ana couldn't keep her form on grass and the Wimbledon's Pretiest girl left the SW 19 after just third round. And now, just over two months, The Top Seed Ana is out of the race in just third round again.
But this time it was not just the quest for US Open. there's so much at stake...
When Ana lost to Julie Coin of France, on the Arthur Ashe stadium, the world witnessed the biggest upset ever happened at US Open. And this is also the start for a new battle for No. 1.
After Henin's retirement, the competition in women's tennis has gone up. Henin had been so out of reach from any other girls! but with she out and Sharapova struggling with her injuries, Ana had the best chance to acquire lots of points ang cement her top position. (and that's where she faulted.
And now, her top ranking is under threat. The biggest attack comes from hr compatriot Jelena Jankovic, who had shortly grabbed the no.1 from Ana for a week- just a few days ago. But she's not the only one who can do the damage, the Home-favourite Serena Williams, Olympic Gold Medalist Elena Dementieva And Russian Fighter Dinara Safina, all are in the race..
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Just another Day...
Yesterday, it was all excitement and joy, today, it's not so.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
India Shining in Beijing!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Good Bye, General!
It's not yet clear whether Musharraf will remain in Pakistan or he'll be forced to leave the country. but his resignation marks the end of an era. It also sets the alarms for India coz I doubt the next persons standing in queue would really want take the talks furhter
A Brief Bio of General's Rule: (Sourced from agencies)
Musharraf was born in Delhi, in August 1943. During the partition of India, his family emigrated to Pakistan.
1964: Musharraf started a career with the Pakistan Army.
1998: Became Pakistan's powerful Army Chief.
1999: Kargil war. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered the withdrawal of insurgent troops from Indian territories. Tensions mounted between Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif over the decision. Sharif tried to fire Musharraf. In October, Musharraf overthrew the elected Sharif Government and seized the power in a bloodless military coup. World Communities condemned the coup. However the reactions were not much serious considering the fact that democracy rarely prevailed in Pakistan.
July 2001: In the first summit meeting in Agra, India, Musharraf and the then Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee failed to make any headway on the Kashmir issue. Musharraf's storming out of India became a big news.
Septemner 11 2001: This day marked a defining moment in Musharraf's political career. His support to Washington in the plans to attack Afghanistan became crucial. Pakistan became an ally in the US led "War on Terror", in return, US promised more than $1bn in aid to Pakistan. Musharraf not only backed the American military action in Afghanistha, but also arrested more than 500 al-Qaida suspects in its own territory. This move made him wisely unpopular in his own country.
Since his precarious alliance with Washington, Musharraf has waged a campaign against Islamic extremists, banning several militant groups - a stance that has made him many enemies at home.
December 2001: Terrorists attacked the Indian parliament. India blamed the attack on Pakistan backed Kashmiri militants, Pakistan categorically denied the charge.
2002: Tensions continued between India and Pakistan. Steady shelling was reported accross the LOC.
India continued to accuse Pakistan of backing Islamic militant groups and supporting insurgency in Jammu and kashmir. Musharraf continued to deny the charge. In a televised speech to the nation at the peak of the crisis, Musharraf vowed not to initiate war with India, but continued to test medium and a short-range ballistic missiles - capable of carrying conventional and nuclear warheads.
late 2002: General elections were held in Pakistan and Parliament was reconvened, but Musharraf remained the most powerful figure in Pakistan, though he handed over day-to-day handling of the country to a prime minister, a political ally. But the business in parliament was in deadlock for months as secular and religious opposition parties refused to accept a raft of constitutional amendments Musharraf had pushed through without parliamentary approval.
The amendments, known as the Legal Framework Order (LFO), gave the general the power to sack the prime minister, dissolve parliament and also recognise him as both head of the army and head of state.
December 2003: as part of a deal to end the stand-off, Gen Musharraf said he would step down as military head of the country by January 2005 - a pledge he did not fulfil.
Musharraf survived two assassination attempts
early 2004: Since peace talks began with India, tensions have reduced between the two countries.
March 2004: The hunt for al Qaida militants in the southern Waziristan tribal area in March 2004 by the Pakistani army - the largest since Musharraf threw his support behind the US war on terror - disenchanted many in Pakistan an Islamic country of 150 (m) million people. Pakistani troops attacked hundreds of possible al-Qaida suspects and tribesmen holed up in heavily fortified mud fortresses in South Waziristan - a forbidding tribal region near the border with Afghanistan.
April 2004: A veneer of democracy was given to Musharraf's rule, when he won a five-year presidential mandate in a highly controversial referendum, in which he was the only candidate.
October 2004: areas of Pakistan-administered Kashmir were struck by a massive earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people. Musharraf visited people left homeless in the disaster.
July 2005: The suicide bombings in London, investigations revealed that the bombers had visited religious schools in Pakistan.
March 2006 : US President George Bush visited the country. Days of anti US Protests erupted across Pakistan with crowds of thousands burning US flags and chanting death to America.
In 2006: Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikar Choudhari embarrassed the government with a ruling that blocked plans to privatise a huge state-run steel company.
July 2007: shots were fired after Musharraf's plane took off from a military base in what one official described as a failed assassination attempt. Pakistani army investigators were busy at work on a rooftop in Rawalpindi where three officials told AP that two anti-aircraft guns and a light machine gun were found.
Musharraf's move to suspend Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry as chief justice of the Supreme Court, triggered a row over the independence of the judiciary and accusations of political meddling, and proved to be an ill-judged move. Chaudhry irked the government in several high-profile cases. He had pressed the government hard to provide information on the whereabouts of dozens of people said by relatives to be secretly held by Pakistani intelligence agencies.
Chaudhry's suspension provoked a series of demonstrations across Pakistan and Musharraf's worst political crisis since he seized power in 1999.
October 2007: Musharraf was re-elected by Parliament, but his confirmation was held up by the Supreme Court following complaints that a military man could not constitutionally serve as an elected head-of-state.
November 2007: Musharraf reacted by proclaiming a state of emergency on November 3, sacking the chief justice and other independent judges and replacing them with his appointees. The reconstituted top court then approved his election.
Musharraf said confidence in his government would soon return.
Musharraf eventually stepped down from his powerful post as Pakistan's military commander in November, a day before he was to be sworn in as a civilian president as part of his long-delayed pledge not to hold both jobs. During a change of command in the garrison town of Rawalpindi near the capital, Islamabad, Musharraf relinquished his post by handing over his ceremonial baton to his successor, General Ashfaq Kayani. Musharraf's retirement from the military was a key opposition demand. He had promised to give up his army role at the end of 2004 but reneged on that pledge, saying the country still needed strong leadership in the face of Islamic extremism.
Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif returned from exile to stand in the poll.
December 2007: Benazir Bhutto was assassinated at an election campaign. Musharraf furiously ejected intelligence services complicity and was at pains to defend what security had been in place at the rally.
February 2008: Musharraf's rivals Asif Ali Zardari and ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif won the parliamentary elections and had since sought his ouster.
August 2008: Coalition party leader Asif Ali Zardari called for his impeachment after he failed to get a vote of confidence from the newly elected assembly.
19 August 2008: Musharraf resigned in order to avoind the impeachment.
In his fairwell speech to the nation, Musharraf tried his best to defend his tenure and refuted criticism. At the End, an emotional Musharraf said that he leaves office knowing whatever he has done "was for the people and for the country." "I leave my future in the hand of nation and the people. Let them be the judge and let them do justice,"
He said his fate was in the hands of the Pakistani people. And well, it's going to be interesting to see in whose hands Pakistan's fate is to go..
I hope it doesn't happen that we find the coming rulers much more difficult to handle...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
अभिनव कामगिरी!
कळलंच नाही पण अचानक माझं मन चार वर्ष मागे गेलं. आणि आठवण झाली अथेन्समधल्या राज्यवर्धन राठोडच्या विजयाची. डबल ट्रॅपमध्ये राठोडनं रौप्य पदक जिंकलं त्या क्षणाची.. एरवी क्रिकेटच्या वेडात बुडालेला भारत त्या दिवशी रौप्यपदकाचं सेलिब्रेशन करण्यात बुडाला होता. अथेन्समधल्या विजयाआधी आणि नंतरही भारतीय नेमबाजांच्या कामगिरीचा आलेख चढताच राहिलाय. पण राठोडच्या पराक्रमानं भारतीय नेमबाजीभोवतीचं वलय ख-या अर्थानं वाढलं आणि नेमाबाजांकडून असलेल्या अपेक्षाही. बीजिंगमध्ये सुवर्णपदक जिंकून अभिनवनं त्या अपेक्षा चुकीच्या नसल्याचंच सिद्ध केलं. खरं सांगू? If Rathore's win in Athens gave a silver lining to the cloudy scene of India at Olympic, Abhinav has surely put us in a Golden Light. आणि या सोनेरी कीरणांमध्ये अवघा भारत प्रकाशमान झाल्यासारखं वाटू लागलंय.
आज प्रत्येक भारतीय अभिमानानं सांगू शकतोय की, होय आमच्याकडेही आता एक सुवर्णपदक आहे. खास करून बीजिंगमध्ये उपस्थित असलेले खेळाडू आणि पत्रकार- कारण त्यांनाच भारताच्या कामगिरीविषयी प्रश्नांना सारखं सामोरं जावं लागतं. आणि यंदाच्या ऑलिम्पिकदरम्यान तर या सगळ्या मंडळींची चांगलीच पंचाईत होतेय- कारण भारतीयांची हॉकीतली नामुष्की. भरवशाच्या हॉकीत ऑलिम्पिकमध्ये पोहोचण्याआधीच पडझड झाली. पण नेमबाजीनं पुन्हा एकदा भारताची लाजच राखली नाही तर शानही वाढवलीय. म्हणूनच अभिनवच्या सुवर्णपदकाची झळाळी आणखीनच उठून दिसतेय. आणि त्याहीपेक्षा उठून दिसतोय तो अभिनवनं दाखवलेला संयम.
नेमबाजीचा खेळ म्हणजे मानसिक क्षमतेची कसोटी पाहणारा. इथं एका क्षणासाठी एकाग्रता ढळली तरी मेडल हुकण्याची शक्यता असते. हवं तर मनशेर सिंगला विचारा. बीजिंगमध्येच ट्रॅप इव्हेन्टमध्ये शेवटच्या दोन्ही क्वालिफायिंग राऊंड्समध्ये २४ - २४ असं परफेक्ट यश मिळूनही मनशेरचं फायनलचं तिकाट थोडक्यात हुकलं. कारण आदल्या दिवशी तिस-या राऊंडमध्ये मनशेरचा स्कोअर होता अवघा २०.
पण जिथं मनशेरनं गमावलं, तिथंच अभिनवनं कमावलं. फायनलमध्ये त्याचे सगळे शॉट्स अगदी near perfectच होते. आणि शेवटचा शॉट तर होता १०.८! Simply Unbelievable! अभिनवच्या त्याच शॉटनं त्याला पहिल्या स्थानावर सरकवलं आणि भारताला मिळालं पहिलं वहिलं वैयक्तिक सुवर्णपदक.
अभिनवचं आजचं गोल्ड मेडल असो वा राठोडचं अथेन्समधलं सिल्व्हर , एक गोष्ट मात्र विसरता येत नाही. या दोघांच्याही यशात त्यांच्या टीमचा मोठा हातभार होता. लेफ्टनन्ट राठोडला भारतीय सैन्याचं पाठबळ होतं, तर अभिनवचे वडील पहिल्यापासूनच त्याच्यामागे खंबीरपणं उभे राहिले. चंदीगडमधले मोठे बिझिनेसमन असलेल्या त्याच्या वडिलांनी घराच्या मागच्या अंगणातच त्याच्यासाठी शूटिंग रेंज उभी केली. त्याच भक्कम आधारावर अभिनवचं करियर उभं राहिलं आणि आता त्यावर सोनेरी कळसही चढलाय.
सगळेच जण अभिनवइतके नशीबवान नसतील, पण भारतात आज टॅलेन्टे़ड नेमबाजांची कमी नाही. गरज आहे ती त्यांच्या पायाखालचा आधार आणखी भक्कम करण्याची. तरच अभिनवचं यश ही एक अभिनव सुरूवात ठरेल.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Rains pouring again...
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Day World was waiting for...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A lot of Words...
So I decided to take a break from this blog and spent most of the time reading a lot of words. I can't believe but I've finished several books in last few days. Seems like I'm back to my good old days now, where there is no other thing to think of, and books are the place to take a refuge from the world around.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Now, what next?
The first thing that struck to me, is that, now Congress is free of schackles of the Left parties. ( surprisingly, the Left were not as agressive today. or have I missed their speeches? )
Now that the UPA Government is in power even without the support from the Left Front. So that means, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh can now take a few bold decisions quite freely. Also we might see a stability in the SENSEX.
Then of course, the Nuclear Deal, which in first place is the need of the hour.
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The D-Day: As It happens
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity...
somehow these lines explain the condition of India, isn't it?
Rahul gandhi was speaking in favour of the nuclear deal ofcourse. But could not conclude his speech. A BSP MP Brajesh Pathak is complaining that four of his party colleagues had been kidnapped. there is a total chaos in the Huose. and House is adjourned!
Speaker Somnath Chatterjee is forced to adjourn the Lok Sabha till 2 p.m. "You can continue after lunch," He just said the troublemakers.
Oh! These MPs should be taught how the should behave.
12.50 Rahul Gandhi speakes up
Okey, The Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi, spoke about his trip to Vidarbha. he has linked energy security to maintaining 9 per cent growth.
The opposition is repeatedly interrupting his speech, don't understand what's actually going on.
12.07 Calculations change
The Speaker, Mr. somnath Chatterji has granted leave application of Six MPs. The names are not yet confirmed, but this means all the calculations might change now. Congress is to gain by this.
Oh! lots of maths going on again! See, if you want to be a reporter, you must be thorough with your history, geography, science - and maths as well.
(and physiology, bio-mechanics, statastics and many more if you are covering sports and do stories on cricket- well economics is a must if your job also includes stories about IPL. But for now, I'm finishing with my script on Umpire referral system. and keeping an eye on debate in Lok Sabha to start again)
10.50 The office- environment
Just reached Office a few minuites before. You know, it looks like we are having a parallel session of ours going on. So many people here together!
well, that was supposed to be the case- it's a big day for Indian Government, The opposition, The Left , The Share Markets, the SENSEX (which have opened up at 13837.64 ) and more so for News Channels.
(7.40 am ) Three hours of suspense
In a few minuites, I'll be leaving for Office and so for next two to three hours, I'm totally away from all news from Delhi. Well, since it's very early in the morning, chances are less that anything big will happen.
But, It's India, so you never know... See you again when I'm in the office!
(6.40 am ) Will it? Won't it?
In a few hours time, the lawmakers will gather again in Lok Sabha to decide on the future of the UPA Government. I think I'll be able to keep a track of each happening. Ofcourse, only if I get time from my work. I've to do a story on ICC's New Third Umpire Referral System.
Hey, wait a minuit! What if we use a referral system for our parliamentarians as well???
Monday, July 21, 2008
The D-Day has come
I've decided to cover it live for my blog, I don't want to forget this day. So I'll try to put all my experiences here. It's really going to be a lot of words.
(Just forgot to mention one thing. D-day in this title can mean anything from the Deciding Day, Dooms Day, or Democracy Day or may be Disaster Day. Let's see what it turns out to be:) )
Three Mistakes of Three Parties
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back To "Life"
I returned home and soon I was off to Dahivali with Manasi, another friend of mine. We went to the Vitthal Temple over there, and don't know why but I really felt great. Once left from Dahivali, we just kept walking on an outside road- free of traffic and everything. we passed through several villages and kep waliking and talking (well, I was not actually walking. I was, as Manasi said, bouncing on the road- jumping, flying in my own world) You know, at one corner of the road, amongst the green grass, I saw a beautiful flower. white, little, cute but lonely... (Just like me?)