Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Banker to the Poor

I've just finished reading "Banker to the Poor" and I can say that it's a 'Must Read' Book for everyone.
It's very rare that I read Economics with much interest. I mean I liked it in school, college, but I would never have a book of Economics for my bedtime reading. (yeah, except for the night before Economics exams in school)
"Banker to the Poor" is an exception. Well, it's not a book on Economics, but it is all about Economics. It is indeed an autobiography of a practical economist, perhaps one of the greatest of this time. This is the story of Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a Scholar from Banglaesh. This is the story of how he put his knowledge and understanding to the use of his countrymen, especially women.
This Banker to the Poor tells us the story of Grameen Bank- an organization that has been transforming the face of rural Bangladesh.
I first heard about Dr. Yunus when he was awarded Indira Gandhi Peace Prize- I guess that was in 1998- I was too young to know what all that meant for. But the fact that a certain professor of economics from Bangladesh got this award and he's working in order to remove poverty, really amazed me. (Sadly, we come to know about people like Dr.Yunus when they get such awards. why can't we have his book in school instead of all those truckloads of theories???)
And then, years after, when I read about his work, it made me believe that every problem has a perfect solution if you try to find it. But then, Life is not maths...

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